On March 23, 2023, ECHA published a proposal for a fundamental restriction on PFAS, which could be regulated through the EU chemicals regulation REACH.
PFAS are very popular in industry because they are thermally and chemically stable and can therefore be used in a wide variety of applications.
FLUPOL applies products that contain fluoropolymers and although these are classified as harmless polymers according to OCDE criteria, they are also covered by the proposed restriction on the use of PFAS.
Maintaining close exchanges with its relevant raw material suppliers, FLUPOL is monitoring processes related to PFAS regulation, in order to be able to react to any significant changes.
Following public consultation, the committees received an overview of 5,642 comments from individuals and organizations. ECHA is currently discussing a joint plan on how best to evaluate the proposal with the five national authorities that prepared it. Once agreed, the plan will be made public.
FLUPOL already has Sol-Gel coatings, ceramic-based nanotechnology products, with remarkable hardness, wear and thermal resistance which allows obtaining glass-like coatings without submitted parts to the temperature of the enamelling process. With this technology it’s possible to coat the most metallic substrates, particularly those with a low melting point, such as aluminum.